Sendungsverfolgung von China

In dieser Liste können Sie Post- und Transportunternehmen sehen.
Wenn Sie andere Transportunternehmen kennen, die Tracking-Dienstleistungen anbieten, senden Sie uns bitte Informationen zu, und wir werden versuchen, diese zu unserem Service hinzuzufügen.

110 Express
110 Express (飞电物流)

EYU/118Cargo (EYU/118Карго)

Chinese transport mediator EYU/118Cargo

139 Express
139 Express (139快递)

Chinese transport company with offices in other countries

17Post (17POST国际物流)

777post (中能货运代理有限公司)

Chinese postal mediator 777post

852 Express
852 Express (欧亚速运)

Chinese transport company delivering to CIS countries

American Asia Express Corp (AAE Global Express)
American Asia Express Corp (AAE Global Express)

American express post operator with network in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan

Ali Business Logistics
Ali Business Logistics (阿里跨境电商物流)

Chinese e-commerce transport mediator

AI Diai International Freight Forwarding (ADA)
AI Diai International Freight Forwarding (ADA) (艾递爱)

Chinese transport mediator

Aliexpress order tracking
Aliexpress order tracking

Aliexpress order tracking tool, valid for all tracking numbers added by seller

Alljoy Logistics
Alljoy Logistics (ALLJOY全和悦)

Chinece postal e-commerce mediator

Anjun (安骏物流)

Chinese B2C logistics company

Aerotrans (诚丰)

Chinese postal mediator

ATS - Aotian Global
ATS - Aotian Global (傲天快递)


Tracking site for Chinese - Australian mailforwarder from Aliexpress.

Anywhere post
Anywhere post (亚得威国际物流)


Baidatong International Cargo
Baidatong International Cargo (百达通国际货运)

BE International
BE International (北俄物流)

Chinese postal mediator for e-retailers with delivery to Russia

Best Express
Best Express (百世汇通)

Chinese local express courier

BL-Russia (Baolai)
BL-Russia (Baolai)

Chinese B2C transport company.

Buy Logic International
Buy Logic International

Bona Express
Bona Express (邦纳国际)

BQC International
BQC International (百千诚物流)

BSI International
BSI International (佰事达)

Bao Tongda International Freight Forwarding
Bao Tongda International Freight Forwarding (深圳市宝通达国际货运代理有限公司)

Cdecls (畅达电子商务)

CHA (灿航快递)

CK1 Local Fullfilment
CK1 Local Fullfilment (出口易)

Cuckoo Express
Cuckoo Express

CNE Express
CNE Express

Chinese postal express aggregator.

China Post
China Post (中国邮政)

Federal postal operator of China. China post.

China post Mainland EMS
China post Mainland EMS (中国邮政 Local EMS)

Local Chinese EMS.

Russia & Ukraine & Kazakhstan Transportation Infor
Russia & Ukraine & Kazakhstan Transportation Infor (俄罗斯·乌克兰·哈萨克斯坦专线查询)

Chinese mailforwarder of Aliexpress orders.

Shenzhen Supershun Forwarding International
Shenzhen Supershun Forwarding International (深圳市鑫华超顺国际货运代理有限公司)

China Southern Cargo
China Southern Cargo (中国南方航空)

CU Trans
CU Trans (捷网俄全通)

Chinese logistics company specialized on gods delivery from Aliexpress, Ebay.

DaFang Logistics
DaFang Logistics (达方物流)

Dehengshun / DHS Express
Dehengshun / DHS Express (德恒顺)

Chinese - Brazilian postal mediator

DHT Express
DHT Express

Chinese postal aggregator for online retailers

Daole International
Daole International (到乐国际)

Deppon Express
Deppon Express (德邦)

Chinese local express courier.

E-dragon Express
E-dragon Express (龙象快递)

EMPS Express
EMPS Express (快信快包)

EMS China Post
EMS China Post

EMS China track and trace

EPOS (EPOS 宜友供应链管理)

Equick International Transportation
Equick International Transportation

17POST (17POST国际物流)

Eshun internatinal logistics
Eshun internatinal logistics ([ORGNAME])

Easytocn (运淘美国)

Chinese mailforward service for buying in USA

Express To China
Express To China (天马.迅达快递)

Far Group
Far Group (泛远国际物流股份有限公司)

Flyt Express
Flyt Express

Chinese B2C transport company.

Feg Express
Feg Express (飞鸽快件)

17FEIA Worldwide Express
17FEIA Worldwide Express (一起飞啊国际快递服务)

KJ Fast Exress
KJ Fast Exress (快捷快递)

Chinese local express courier.

Fengex (风行速递)

Taipei Hongiu Express
Taipei Hongiu Express (台北弘久全球資訊網)

Chinese transport mediator, a partner of Taiwanian Chingwa Post

FX Express
FX Express (福鑫跨境电商物流)

Guangzhou City magnesium Logistics
Guangzhou City magnesium Logistics (港镁物流)

Guangzhou Well Cargo
Guangzhou Well Cargo

HKE International Logistics
HKE International Logistics (汇天国际物流有限公司)

Hanrun Logistics
Hanrun Logistics (韩润国际)

Jet E-commerce Logistics
Jet E-commerce Logistics (捷特电商物流)

Chinese postal mediator at Aliexpress.

Manchuria Jinfugui economic & trade company
Manchuria Jinfugui economic & trade company (满洲里金福贵经贸公司)

Chinese ecommerce postal mediator.

Jiahoa (广州嘉昊国际货运代理有限公司)

Henanjunteng International Freight Forwarder
Henanjunteng International Freight Forwarder (Henanjunteng)

KuaiDa Express Service
KuaiDa Express Service (快达物流)

Chinese transport mediator for selling platforms (Aliexpress, Ebay etc)

Kerry Logstics
Kerry Logstics

KWT Logistics
KWT Logistics ()

Chinese E-commerce postal aggreagator. Partnered with Ebay,, Wish

KYT (快亿通)

Meest Asia
Meest Asia

Chinese department of ukrainian Meest Express for delivery from China to Ukraine.

Maxeed Express
Maxeed Express (迈速快递)

Mejex (美嘉快递)


Shanghai Miaoxin Express Co. Ltd
Shanghai Miaoxin Express Co. Ltd

Seanline International
Seanline International (沈诺国际)

Chinz Logistics
Chinz Logistics (秦远国际物流)

OTX Logistics
OTX Logistics

Chinese logistics company, sypply chain between Aliexpress anf Finnish post.

Panasia (泛亚国际)

Chinese postal e-commerce mediator

Post-E-Tracking (Fake China Post tracker)

Fictive site for tracking of China post masked packages.

Paypal Package
Paypal Package (贝邮宝)

Quickway (瞬程物流)

Qianxiang Box
Qianxiang Box (千象盒子)

Ruston Express
Ruston Express

Unitop (Sure 56)
Unitop (Sure 56) (速尔快递)

SDK Express
SDK Express (斯德克(深圳)国际物流有限公司)

Chinese Ecommerce postal mediator

Sonic Express
Sonic Express (音速速运)

S.F. Express
S.F. Express

Star Post
Star Post (跨境电商供应)

TaoLink CBEC Logistics
TaoLink CBEC Logistics (三联通跨境电商物流有)

Shentong Express (STO)
Shentong Express (STO) (申通快递)

Local chinese express courier.

Stex (STex)

SYD Express
SYD Express (速邮达)

ShunYuan International Logistics
ShunYuan International Logistics (顺远国际物流有限公司)

Shenzhen Tianma
Shenzhen Tianma (天马物流)

TianFuSheng International Logistics
TianFuSheng International Logistics (天府盛国际物流)


TK Express
TK Express (天天快递)

Local chinese express courier.

Toll Global Logistics China
Toll Global Logistics China

Tian-S (天狮国际)

UBI Logistics
UBI Logistics

UC Express
UC Express (优速快递)

Chinese local express courier

United Courier Service (UCS)
United Courier Service (UCS)

Exclusive EMS China agent in USA for delivery of goods from US stores to China

Wedo Express
Wedo Express

Chinese fake tracking service for Aliexpress orders.

WHT Express/ Shenzhen Wuhetong Logistics
WHT Express/ Shenzhen Wuhetong Logistics (深圳五和通)

Chinese postal mediator

Winit Corporation
Winit Corporation (万邑通Winit)

Chinese e-commerce postal mediator

Wanbexpress (万邦速达)

WSE (广东威速易供应链管理有限公司所有)

Wishpost (WISH邮)

Xinya International Logistics
Xinya International Logistics (信谊国际航空速递)


Chinese-Russian postal courier

Xing Yuan Logistics
Xing Yuan Logistics (广州市兴远国际物流有限公司)

Chinese postal e-commerce mediator

Yunda (韵达快运)

Local Chinese express courier.

YSH Express
YSH Express

Chinese postal mediator for shops and business customers

Yun Express
Yun Express (云途物流 )

YTO Express
YTO Express (圆通速递)

Local Chinese express courier.

Yanwen Express
Yanwen Express (燕文物流)

Chinese postal mediator for shops and business customers

ZJS Express
ZJS Express (宅急送)

Local Chinese express courier.

ZTO Express
ZTO Express (中通速递)

Local chinese express courier.

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